Unconscious Bias
Overview: Did you know that your behaviour is driven by biases that you might not even be aware of? They influence your worldview, relationships and professional conduct. In this training, uncover your biases through self-reflective exercises and learn practical strategies to manage them. You will learn about the importance of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) at work, learn inclusion strategies, and build an action plan.
For who: Everyone.
Goal: Raising awareness of unconscious bias and learning practical strategies to manage it in life and at work.
Introduction (3 hours): Personal bias, systemic discrimination, privilege, policy, DEI definitions, microagressions, workplace tips.
Deep Dive (2x 3hr sessions): All of the above, plus psychological safety, inclusive meetings, inclusive recruitment, cognitive biases, inclusive leadership.
Transformation (3x 3 hour sessions): All of the above, plus belonging, inclusive feedback, culutral intelligence, maintaining momentum, inclusive comms.